18 Aug First CoE-OiM Research Seminar titled “Operations and Information Management For Industry 4.0: Where Design Meet the Future.”
Centre of Excellence in Operations and Information Management, Thammasat University and Business Research Centre, Thammasat Business School are proud to present the First CoE-OiM Research Seminar titled “Operations and Information Management For Industry 4.0: Where Design Meet the Future.”
The FREE one-day seminar will be held at Thammasat Business School, Tha Prachan on September 18 from 9:00 – 16:00. The morning sessions (9:00 -12:00) will have excellent research discussions by top researchers from Kasetsart University, Chulalongkorn Business School, Nida Business School and Thammasat Business School.
In the afternoon (13:00 – 16:00), Professor Dr. Murali Raman; a world–renowned Design Thinking trainer who received Design Thinking Trainer certificate from Stanford University will hold a Design Thinking Workshop titled “Design Think to Foster Creativity in Research and Commercial Endeavours.”
If you need more information about the FREE one-day research conference or our CoE please visit www.coe-oim.com